What is a Town of Sanctuary?
A Town of Sanctuary is a welcoming place of safety for all, where people are proud to offer sanctuary to those fleeing violence and persecution. It is a place where the contribution of refugees and asylum seekers is valued and welcomed.
Wrexham Town of Sanctuary is part of a national City of Sanctuary movement working to make communities places of welcome and safety. The network of sanctuary groups have the freedom to work in a way which suits their area and expertise. Wrexham Town of Sanctuary is a partnership of organisations, community groups, faith groups, and individuals which is coordinated by TCC. Organisations include:
AVOW (Association of Voluntary Organisations in Wrexham)
British Red Cross Refugee Services
Coleg Cambria
Family Friends
UAREUK (United to Assist Refugees UK)
VOICES Network
Everyone involved is working together to make Wrexham more welcoming for people seeking safety. The Steering Group meets every few months to progress our actions. Following community consultation on what would make Wrexham more welcoming for people seeking sanctuary, our current priorities are:
providing training on the experiences and rights of people seeking sanctuary, as well as good practice to welcome sanctuary seekers in an organisation or community.
running events that celebrate the skills and contributions of people seeking sanctuary to our community, whilst raising awareness of the challenges people seeking safety encounter.
meeting with decision-makers to raise awareness of the experiences of sanctuary seekers, and advocate for systemic changes which benefit people seeking sanctuary.
training opportunities for people seeking sanctuary
asylum & immigration reform: some Town of Sanctuary partner organisations are not able to get involved in campaigns which challenge Government policy and advocate for national systemic change, so wider campaign work on asylum and immigration reform is carried out by TCC, not under the Town of Sanctuary banner.