The Funeral Poverty Alliance
TCC started a campaign for Fair Funerals in Wrexham, and is now part of the national Funeral Poverty Alliance, a network of not-for-profit organisations to campaign collectively against funeral poverty.

TCC's 'funeral forum' - TCC leaders meeting with
funeral directors from the Wrexham area.
TCC members Yvonne Pryce and Valerie Williams at the Welsh Assembly, on the way to meet with the cross party group on funerals and bereavement.

TCC members Gerald Griffiths and Valerie Williams meeting with the chief executive of the NAFD, Alan Slater (left).
TCC's Fair Funerals Campaign

Download the funeral campaign fact sheet - English.
Lawrlwythwch dudalen ffeithiau yr ymgyrch angladd - Cymraeg.
TCC members found that when many people were arranging a funeral they were unable to get any estimate of the price from several funeral directors.
With funerals easily costing several thousands of pounds, not knowing the price was a really big concern for many families. At the time of arranging the funeral, many went along with whatever the funeral director suggested, only to be shocked by the size of the bill which arrived several weeks later.
TCC members researched the issue, and were very surprised to find that there is no license needed to become a funeral director, and no regulation in the industry. Some funeral directors are members of trade associations, which have their own codes of conduct. However, if they find that the funeral director is not adhering to the code of conduct they can remove trade association membership, but cannot stop a funeral director practicing.
TCC has been successful in getting every funeral director in Wrexham County to commit to giving out their prices before the funeral takes place, and has gained the support of the Welsh Government’s cross party group on funerals and bereavement.
What can you do?
You could also get commitment from funeral directors in your area that they will always give our prices their customers, before the funeral has taken place. Luckily the majority of funeral directors are very professional, and do adhere to high standards. The first step should be to make contact with funeral directors in your area, to find out where they stand. It is likely that most will be very supportive and helpful.
You can raise awareness of funeral trade associations such as the NAFD and SAIF.
You could write to your MP, asking that better regulation be brought in for the funeral industry.
For more information or support, please contact TCC.