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Present and Past campaigns

Here, you can see a selection of present and past campaigns we have engaged with - scroll through the drop down menu in the header above to see historical actions by TCC.

Changing Places For Wales

Changing Places For Wales

Changing Places Toilets are specially adapted toilets which have adult-sized changing beds, hoists and lots of grab rails as standard. They allow people who need additional support to go the the toilet safely and with dignity. There are only around 50 in Wales. We are taking action to change this.

Cost of Living

Cost of Living

We are currently doing a listening campaign and small focus groups with our members in the community, to identify specific issues to take action on locally. Many of the solutions to this problem are at national level, however we will take local action whenever we can. As part of this action - we held a Cost of Living Summit in late 2002 - click on the image to find out current progress on this issue.

Climate Change

Climate Change

TCC members are looking at how we can organise around climate change. From exploring divestment to reducing meat consumption, this is a broad and important issue that affects everyone. TCC groups have recently taken part in a local day of climate action whilst CoP26 was taking place, and a Women's Climate Strike in Wrexham. Follow our Climate Stories series to find out more.

Stop School Hunger

Stop School Hunger

As a result of TCC’s Stop School Hunger / Dysgu Nid Llwgu campaign, the Welsh Government committed £450,000 towards a new pilot scheme. This will provide an extra £1 a day for eligible secondary pupils, so they can afford to buy breakfast as well as lunch at school. The pilot started in 2021 for Year 7 pupils, and if successful will be expanded to all eligible pupils in Wales.

Mental health

Mental health

Our Youth in Action group has developed Healthy Minds Haven, a resource and award for secondary schools to use to promote mental wellbeing across their school community. They received support from a local authority chief officer for education. Schools can follow the link to use the resource and work through the award.

The Living Wage for Wales

The Living Wage for Wales

We've had lots of success in our Living Wage campaign, with employers such as St. Joseph's Catholic and Anglican High School committing to paying all their employees the Living Wage. We're continuing to campaign on the Living Wage with partner organisations.

Refugees Welcome

Refugees Welcome

After a successful campaign to get local authorities to agree to welcoming Syrian refugees, we are working on building welcoming communities in North East Wales including Wrexham becoming a Town of Sanctuary. TCC is part of the Welsh Refugee Coalition, and the Nation of Sanctuary steering group, working on national issues, events, and policy change. We are working with the Bevan Foundation on a project for people with lived experience of migration to have a say on policy in Wales.



We launched a housing forum when members from various TCC groups raised different issues with housing across North East Wales. The group is researching, exploring issues and working with Denbighshire, Flintshire and Wrexham councils following on from their commitment to work together with us at our 25th anniversary event in October 2020.

37 Kingsmills Road, Wrexham. LL13 8NH

Charity no/rhif elusen: 1086434
Company no/rhif cwmni: 04033853


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